New Zealand Grander® Experts
The Mysteries of Water – “What we know is a drop; what we don’t know is an ocean”, quote by Issac Newton, English physicist and mathematician, 1643-1727
‘Water revitalisation’ is a special process which uses Grander Water Revitalization technology to treat the ‘inner structure’ of water. Europe has had access to Grander® technology for over thirty years. Research shows that the use of ‘water revitalization’ can dramatically improve the effects of water and its quality for the user.
Ecoworld is the authorised New Zealand importer and distributor of Grander® Water Revitalization Technology. Based in Hamilton, Ecoworld has access to all of Grander’s products, including books, magazines and DVDs.

Grander® Technology Authorised Importer and Distributor
Ecoworld has a wealth of experience and knowledge of the Grander technology. We have seen the successful introduction of Grander in many applications within the domestic, horticultural, dairy, commercial and industrial industries. The effects of ‘water revitalisation’ can be utilised to treat many water sources ranging from drinking water to swimming pools. Combined with an Ecoworld filtration arrangement, Grander can be part of your total water treatment solution.
Contact us for more information about Grander and its many applications, or to see more visit