Thinking your septic tank may need pumping out?
Contacting Ecoworld for Septi-Cure™ might actually be all you need to do. Septi-Cure™ is commonly used to shock dose septic systems showing signs of septic failure or as part of a regular maintenance program. Its concentrated formula re-establishes and maintains biological activity throughout the entire septic system, breaking down and digesting bottom solids and surface scums, while protecting leaching fields, sub-soil soakage and evaporation.

Septic Tank Problems?
The most common problem that New Zealand septic tank owners face will be septic failure. Bad maintenance practices or even misuse can upset the delicate biological environment in which septic systems operate. This can lead to problems such as nasty odours, toilets gurgling and taking time to empty and blockages along with soggy wet areas in and around the leaching field. When this happens your septic system has also become a serious health risk to you and your family as human waste produces faecal coliforms. Septi-Cure™ can protect you.
Septi-Cure™ Keeps Your Septic System Well Maintained
Common practice may be to ignore the septic system until such a problem occurs, then take action. However, we all know that the best economical practice is to always keep your septic system well maintained. Those that use Septi-Cure™ know this first hand.
Septic Tank Specialists
A successful septic tank trial conducted in association with Waitakere City Council using Septi-Cure™ saw an expansion in Ecoworld’s client base using this natural and environmental product. By caring for water both before and after use, Ecoworld is helping in the restoration of water to a more pristine quality with the use of innovative products, and methods that include natural and environmental processes.
Septi-Cure™ Stockists

“Thank you for advising us to use Septi-Cure.
Our service person is amazed how well it works,
leaving our tank in such a good condition. We have been using Septi-Cure for three years which allows us to have a low maintenance, odour free septic tank.”
Ron Simpson, Hamilton.
“We have been using Septi-Cure for
over 12 years. We have a great working
septic tank for a low price and no smell
or large pumping bills.”
Ken Hubbard, Featherston.