What our clients say
Vilagrad Winery Filtration
Vilagrad’s iRon™ system was commissioned in 2017. Previously, they had clean water, but flow speed was limited. Jacob Nooyen, Winemaker, said if the flow was stronger when the devastating fire gutted Vilagrad in June 2015, they may have been able to stall or contain it, while waiting for the Fire Trucks. However, the water tank melted to the ground with the intense heat! Now, a new bore releases a huge flow. Vilagrad’s iRon™ system filters the 100,000 litres of water per week which feeds the winery, restaurant, spraying system, and irrigation for the vines if required. Plus, the system is future proofed for expansion, and for the next generation. Jacob’s goal to take iron and manganese out at a huge rate to create a perfect crystal clear, unlimited supply was achieved.
“Whether it is a 100,000 or 1 million litres, Ron can achieve it. The iRon™ system is simple, tidy and efficient. I’m really happy.”
Jacob Nooyen, Winemaker & 4th generation of the Nooyen Family
Tulliebelton Farm, Waitoa – Wallace Corporation
All rural water sources are different, so finding the right water treatment solution can be difficult and costly, if not done correctly. The fully scale, automated portable pilot (or trial) iRon™ system sat on Tulliebelton for 10 days so the team could see how it would purify their water. They were able to ‘try before they were to buy’ to test the iRon™ technology in ‘real time’ on their own water source. Keith Manunui at Tulliebelton Farm, says having the pilot system there, seeing Ron’s solution beforehand was key to their decision to invest.
“We had it for 10 days – within 24 hours the water was clear, and has been ever since with our own system – tidy and very user friendly. Awesome water, compared with how it used to be. The cows are drinking more now, from the tank and not the puddles”.
Ray (Farm Manager)
Berry Fresh, Te Awamutu
With PH slightly higher than recommended range, acidity of water and turbidity required purification for Food Safety Plan compliancy. Higher turbidity saw cloudy water, which didn’t affect berries in any way but didn’t meet audit requirements. Murray was so pleased with Ron's achievement- his expertise and knowledge to create clear water perfection perfect
"Food safety is important in our industry & we're thrilled to now meet standards easily".
Murray Flay
iRon™ Dairy NZ Filter Irrigation Upgrade
15 years ago Fred and Ron set up the filter system at Scott Farm, which feeds irrigation on both the Scott and Lye Farms at Newstead, Hamilton. It was time to upgrade – filters themselves still in great condition to be recommissioned but new pipework required. This natural biological iron removal process that uses no chemicals, and was Dairy NZ’s preferred, most cost-effective choice 15 years ago. It is still the most efficient way to filter large quantities of water in the world. The media colonises and breeds the bacteria as part of their lifecycle, where the end product is perfect for irrigation - pure, filtered and free of iron. At Dairy NZ, thousands of cubic metres a day go are processed to produce a million litres for irrigation on the 2 farms.

iRon™ System Upgrade
Andrew and Jenny McGiven’s Waitoa farm was one of the original recipients of Ecoworld’s water filtration systems back in 2001, the aim to make the water more palatable while also rid the source of iron and manganese on the farm. The bore to the house provides crystal clear water, but to the shed it was terrible.
Since then, there have been refinements to the system providing this most precious commodity – a new bore, new cowshed and a new iRon™ system in 2015. This farm had the benefit of Ron’s demonstration pilot filter system on the trailer, while his own system was fine tuned to perfection. “Ron knew exactly the best process for the best result” Andrew said. “He’s fussy and knows his product, its his passion.” Ron himself, still calls in regularly today and Andrew likes this proactive approach. “Water is such an important component of the farming system, and with Ron’s back-up service and attention to detail, I don’t have to worry about it.” The water is great – drinkable, no staining, clear on all the clarity tests, no ecoli present.
The benefits of iRon™ to the Waikato Federated Farmers president? Ease of use, a self-contained and basically idiot-proof system. R&D is ongoing, and the way everyone’s system is individual to their requirements is iRon™'s point of difference. “I’ve recommended iRon™ to lots of people”.
Andrew McGiven, President of Waikato Fed Farmer

Finding the Right Water Treatment Solution
“The option to run a full-scale iron and manganese filtration system on our bore water has been nothing less than brilliant. The 2-3 week trial period enabled us to see and use the water it produces over our entire farming operation”
Dave Muggeridge, Dairy Farmer
"I really like your product It DOES make my septic tank more healthy and functional."
JE Raw
"Just poured it in today.... no smell already! How long does it normally take to work its magic?"
Facebook Comment: Rachelle Goldfinch
"After application it is virtually impossible to see where it has been applied apart from a bit of dampness. This water is about the colour of very weak tea with no solids visible. I have been very satisfied with Dairy Kleen. Another benefit is odour reduction. The occasional smell at peak periods is soon dealt with once the monthly treatment is administered.”
Colin Backhouse (300 cow dairy farm in Ngatea, Nth Island)
“I have been using Dairy Clean for about ten years now. I have found it very good at keeping our main effluent pond more liquid than before. This meaning not as much crusting as before, and the cows can graze paddocks sooner after effluent has been applied.”
Ivan Roulston (650 cow dairy farm in Tapanui, Sth Island)
“The one thing I did notice was the reduced odour from the pond which to my mind would indicate improved aerobic activity within the pond.”
Andrew McGiven (Up to 550 cow dairy farm in Te Aroha, Nth Island)