Water Filtration – Domestic & Lifestyle /
Rural, Commercial & Industrial
Passionate about clean, high quality water, we provide specialist water filtration solutions for your domestic situation, your commercial or industrial business location, or your rural water source. Whether you need whole of house filtration, including UV, clean water for the animals or clean, clear water for your business, Ecoworld has the solution.
For improved home water quality, consider Ecoworld's range of Domestic Filtration solutions. Are you concerned with unpleasant tastes, odours, organics, chlorine or even fluoride? We can provide the right information, products and after sale service.
Our domestic municipal product range includes:
- Benchtop or under bench filters
- Whole of house filtration
- Distilling units
- Reverse Osmosis systems
- Chlorine & Fluoride removal
- Replacement Filter Cartridges
- Fridge & Coffee Filter Cartridges
Do you need UV disinfection on your lifestyle property’s rain or bore water source?
Rain water is the most common water source for rural lifestyle situations. However, rain water is not the cleanest and safest source, as it can be easily contaminated due to some environmental influences when harvesting. To better control these risks you should take the appropriate steps to treat all incoming water for your family.
Our domestic lifestyle product range includes:
- Sediment and adsorption filtration
- UV Disinfection
- Acidic pH correction
- Traps and first flush devices
- Suction floats
- Back-washable filtration systems
- Water tanks (1000 – 30000 litres)
- House pumps
For advice on your domestic water filtration
or to discuss your water issue, please contact us on 0800 109 202
Ecoworld is the authorised New Zealand importer and distributor of Grander® Water Revitalization technologies.

Does your farm have issues with iron and manganese? Need water for a production line? Need water for a commercial business? Looking for quality, clean and safe water? Water for closed circuit cooling systems? Need water for irrigation or production?
Our experience is extensive in the rural filtration area, after many years dealing with the number one groundwater problem facing farmers: iron and manganese, which led to development of the iRon™ system and brand. iRon™ has provided the answer for our rural, commercial and industrial clients who have experienced the following water quality issues:-
- Iron and manganese filtration
- Hydrogen Sulifed removal
- UV Disinfection
- Acidic or basic pH correction
- Softening
- Demineralisation
- Sediment and grit screening
- Membrane filtration
- Odours and colour control
- Chemical treatments

iRon™ Filtration Systems
Our very own iRon™ brand of filtration systems are specifically designed and manufactured by Ecoworld targeting a range of water quality issues. More importantly, they’re designed to correct your specific issue; the problem affecting your particular water source.
The fully automated water filtration solution for Iron and Manganese removal uses a special “Solid Core” exchange technology which reduces the risk of fouling. The process is innovative in its design, requiring no pre-treatment oxidisers such as aeration and/or chemicals.